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  • Cootamundra Wattle is an attractive fast growing small tree 5-8m high x 5-8m wide. Available at Worn Gundidj Nursery.Cootamundra Wattle is an attractive fast growing small tree 5-8m high x 5-8m wide. Available at Worn Gundidj Nursery.

    Cootamundra Wattle is an attractive fast growing small tree 5-8m high x 5-8m wide. Silvery grey foliage with profuse golden yellow flower balls in winter are followed by clusters of large seed pods. Attracts birds. Planting info: Full sun in moist well-drained soil. Drought tolerant. Ideal shade and shelter tree.

  • Acacia melanoxylon (Blackwood) is a large fast growing wattle. Great for revegetation and wildlife corridors. Available at Worn Gundidj Nursery.Acacia melanoxylon (Blackwood) is a large fast growing wattle. Great for revegetation and wildlife corridors. Available at Worn Gundidj Nursery.

    Blackwood is a large fast growing wattle. Great for revegetation and wildlife corridors. good wind resistance when young but branches can become brittle with age. Edible seed once ground. Amazing flower show late winter spring. Planting info: All soils except water logged. Shelterbelts and windbreaks. great in mixed planting. Fixes…

  • Acacia mucronata (Variable Swallow Wattle) is a medium height spreading or erect shrub, 2-6m high x 2-5m wide. Cream to pale yellow flower spikes in spring. Available at Worn Gundidj.Acacia mucronata (Variable Swallow Wattle) is a medium height spreading or erect shrub, 2-6m high x 2-5m wide. Cream to pale yellow flower spikes in spring. Available at Worn Gundidj.

    Variable Swallow Wattle is a medium height spreading or erect shrub, 2-6m high x 2-5m wide. Cream to pale yellow flower spikes in spring. Attracts birds. Planting info: Moist, well-drained soil in full or part sun. Drought resistant once established. Good screen plant.

  • Acacia paradoxa (Hedge Wattle) is a very prickly shrub 2m-3m. Gold ball flowers in spring. Available at Worn Gundidj Nursery.Acacia paradoxa (Hedge Wattle) is a very prickly shrub 2m-3m. Gold ball flowers in spring. Available at Worn Gundidj Nursery.

    Hedge Wattle is a very prickly shrub 2m-3m. Gold ball flowers in spring. Bird habitat, hedge or screen plant. Low shelter wind break. Erosion control. Planting info: Well drained soils. Tolerates dryness, lime, frost and coastal exposure.  

  • Acacia stricta (Hop Wattle) is a fast growing, upright medium shrub of 2-5m high x 2.4m wide. Pale yellow ball of flowers winter/spring. Available at Worn Gundidj.Acacia stricta (Hop Wattle) is a fast growing, upright medium shrub of 2-5m high x 2.4m wide. Pale yellow ball of flowers winter/spring. Available at Worn Gundidj.

    Hop Wattle is a fast growing open upright shrub of medium height 2-5m high x 2.4m wide. Pale yellow ball of flowers winter – spring. Planting info: Good shelterbelt plant. Most soils in sun or shade. Drought hardy. Can be planted beneath existing trees.

  • Acaena novae-zelandiae (Bidgee Widgee) is an rambling ground cover forming a dense layer of small fern-like foliage to 10cm high x around 1m spread. Available at Worn Gundidj nurseryAcaena novae-zelandiae (Bidgee Widgee) is an rambling ground cover forming a dense layer of small fern-like foliage to 10cm high x around 1m spread. Available at Worn Gundidj nursery

    Bidgee Widgee is an ambling ground cover forming a dense layer of small fern-like foliage to 10cm high x around 1m spread. Globular greenish white flowers on slender stalks in spring are followed by burr-like seed heads. Planting info: Adaptable, tolerating wet or dry conditions in full sun or shade.…

  • Allocasuarina paludosa (Scrub Sheoak) is a medium open or dense shrub with fine foliage, 50cm-2m high x 1-2m wide. Available at Worn Gundidj.Allocasuarina paludosa (Scrub Sheoak) is a medium open or dense shrub with fine foliage, 50cm-2m high x 1-2m wide. Available at Worn Gundidj.

    Scrub Sheoak is a medium open or dense shrub with fine foliage, 50cm-2m high x 1-2m wide. Planting info: Does best in moist soil. Tolerates bad drainage. Full sun. Dense screen plant for poorly drained positions. Bird habitat. – Local pick up only

  • Allocasuarina verticillata (Drooping Sheoak) is a small erect tree, 4-11m high x 3-6m wide. Dropping soft needle-like foliage. Available at Worn Gundidj.

    Drooping Sheoak is a small erect tree, 4-11 m high x 3-6m wide. Dense rounded crown and dropping soft needle-like foliage. Planting info: Well-drained soil in full sun. Good screen and stock shelter-belt tree. Seed capsules attract seed eating birds.

  • Anise Myrtle, from the Myrtaceae family, has a strong sweet aniseed-liquorice flavour suitable for both sweet and savoury. Available at Worn Gundidj Bush Foods.Anise myrtle is perfect for curries and hotpots, desserts, baking and ice cream.

    Anise Myrtle, from the Myrtaceae family, has a strong sweet aniseed-liquorice flavour suitable for both sweet and savoury. Use the ground powder or flakes as a great bush food replacement for aniseed, star anise or fennel. The oil can be added to dips, salad dressing and sauces. Perfect for… curries…

  • Apium annuum (Sea Celery) grows between 30cm and 50cm spreading out up to 50cm in diameter. Loves sun and in partial shade. Available at Worn Gundidj.Apium annuum (Sea Celery) grows between 30cm and 50cm spreading out up to 50cm in diameter. Loves sun but will still do well in partial shade. Available at Worn Gundidj.

    Sea Celery grows between 30cm and 50cm spreading out up to 50cm in diameter. Loves sun and in partial shade. Planting info: Well drained, moist soil. Good in pots.

  • Sea Parsley is a peppery tasting plant that grows up to about 25-30cm high spreading out to 1m wide. Sea Parsley can handle hot conditions right through to cold weather. Available at Worn Gundidj.

    Sea Parsley is a peppery tasting plant that grows up to about 25-30cm high spreading out to 1m wide. Sea Parsley can handle hot conditions right through to cold weather. Planting info: Pick a spot in full sun to part shade with well-drained soil.

  • Arthropodium strictum (Chocolate Lily) Tufted foliage to 30cm x 30cm with tall stems of chocolate scented mauve flowers in spring to summer. Available at Worn Gundidj.Arthropodium strictum (Chocolate Lily) Tufted foliage to 30cm x 30cm with tall stems of chocolate scented mauve flowers in spring to summer. Available at Worn Gundidj.

    Chocolate Lily Tufted foliage to 30cm x 30cm with tall stems of chocolate scented mauve flowers in spring to summer. Chocolate Lily dies down late summer to edible tubers. Planting info: Likes full sun to part shade and moist to well drained soils. Drier in summer.

  • Blood lime powder is perfect for all types of citrus recipes including chutneys, jams and sauces, ice cream, baking and desserts. Available at worn Gundidj Bush Foods.Blood limes are perfect for all types of citrus recipes including chutneys, jams and sauces, ice cream, baking and desserts.

    The Blood Lime fruit has a unique blood orange-lime-citrus flavour. An attractive fruit with a hint of bitterness, it has less aroma than a lime. It works well as a garnish for both sweet and savoury dishes. The ground powder has an intense flavour, so a little goes a long…

  • Carex appressa (Tall Sedge) is a robust dense sedge, 50cm - 1.2m high x 50cm - 1m wide. Available at Worn Gundidj.Carex appressa (Tall Sedge) is a robust dense sedge, 50cm - 1.2m high x 50cm - 1m wide. Available at Worn Gundidj.

    Tall Sedge is a robust dense sedge, 50cm – 1.2m high x 50cm – 1m wide. Planting info: Most soils, tolerating periods of inundation. Useful for stabilising eroded stream banks and landslips. Full sun.

  • Carpobrotus rossii (Karkala Pigface) Coastal ground cover, native to Southern Australia. 2m spread. Karkala- Pigface has thick succulent leaves to 10cm long. Daisy-like flowers usually mauve to purple petals with white centres. Edible fruits and leaves. Available at Worn Gundidj.Carpobrotus rossii (Karkala Pigface) Coastal ground cover, native to Southern Australia. 2m spread. Karkala- Pigface has thick succulent leaves to 10cm long. Daisy-like flowers usually mauve to purple petals with white centres. Edible fruits and leaves. Available at Worn Gundidj.

    Karkala Pigface Coastal ground cover, native to Southern Australia. 2m spread. Karkala- Pigface has thick succulent leaves to 10cm long. Daisy-like flowers usually mauve to purple petals with white centres. Edible fruits and leaves. Planting info: An Attractive plant for well-drained soil in full or part sun. Common on coastal…

  • Chloris truncata (Windmill Grass) is a tufted grass 15-45cm with a dense low crown Bluish green narrow rough leaves flowering spring-summer. Available at Worn Gundidj.Chloris truncata (Windmill Grass) is a tufted grass 15-45cm with a dense low crown Bluish green narrow rough leaves flowering spring-summer. Available at Worn Gundidj.

    Windmill Grass is an open or compact tufted grass 15-45cm high forming a dense low crown. Bluish green narrow rough leaves to 15cm long. Flower heads look like windmill blades. Planting info: Well-drained sandy soil in full sun. Rocky plains and poor soils.