Cootamundra Wattle is an attractive fast growing small tree 5-8m high x 5-8m wide. Silvery grey foliage with profuse golden yellow flower balls in winter are followed by clusters of large seed pods. Attracts birds. Planting info: Full sun in moist well-drained soil. Drought tolerant. Ideal shade and shelter tree.
Variable Swallow Wattle is a medium height spreading or erect shrub, 2-6m high x 2-5m wide. Cream to pale yellow flower spikes in spring. Attracts birds. Planting info: Moist, well-drained soil in full or part sun. Drought resistant once established. Good screen plant.
Hop Wattle is a fast growing open upright shrub of medium height 2-5m high x 2.4m wide. Pale yellow ball of flowers winter – spring. Planting info: Good shelterbelt plant. Most soils in sun or shade. Drought hardy. Can be planted beneath existing trees.
Bidgee Widgee is an ambling ground cover forming a dense layer of small fern-like foliage to 10cm high x around 1m spread. Globular greenish white flowers on slender stalks in spring are followed by burr-like seed heads. Planting info: Adaptable, tolerating wet or dry conditions in full sun or shade.…
Scrub Sheoak is a medium open or dense shrub with fine foliage, 50cm-2m high x 1-2m wide. Planting info: Does best in moist soil. Tolerates bad drainage. Full sun. Dense screen plant for poorly drained positions. Bird habitat. – Local pick up only
Tall Sedge is a robust dense sedge, 50cm – 1.2m high x 50cm – 1m wide. Planting info: Most soils, tolerating periods of inundation. Useful for stabilising eroded stream banks and landslips. Full sun.
Windmill Grass is an open or compact tufted grass 15-45cm high forming a dense low crown. Bluish green narrow rough leaves to 15cm long. Flower heads look like windmill blades. Planting info: Well-drained sandy soil in full sun. Rocky plains and poor soils.
Kidney Weed is a native groundcover with dense spreading foliage of kidney shaped leaves. tiny green flowers in spring to early summer. Planting info: Useful as a groundcover, lawn substitute, between pavers and for shady spots in the garden. Well-drained soil in full or partial shade.
Knobby club-rush is a dense tufted native rush with stiff stems. Rounded brown flower knobs in summer. Height 60cm x width 1m. Planting info: Suit damp or moist sandy soil. Extremely hardy. Coastal and 2nd line planting. Drought tolerant, frost, saline soils and salt spray.
Austral Indigo is an attractive open, spreading to erect shrub, 1-2m high x 1-2m wide. Graceful arching branches and fern-like leaves. Sprays of mauve, occasionally pink or white pea flowers in spring. Attracts bees, birds and butterflies. Planting info: Most well-drained soils in sun or semi shade. Prune to encourage…
Shore Rush is a perennial herb to 1.2m, forming a large clumps, stems arising from creeping rhizome. Occurs in saline habitats. Inflorescence bronze flowers November-December. Planting info:
Tall Rush, a tufted, rhizomatous perennial rush, 1-2m high x 60cm-1.5m wide. Planting info: Damp, well-drained soil in part sun in sheltered situations. Useful for erosion control. Ideal plant for rockery, bush garden or by the pond.
Coastal Tea Tree Tall shrub or small tree to 8m. Dull green small leaves,, white flowers in spring. Planting info: Well-drained soil tolerating dryness when established. Coastal.
Wooley Tea Tree shrub to erect small tree, 2-6m high x 1-3m wide. Prolific small white flowers in spring-summer. Attractive new foliage. Ornamental. Planting info: Moist soil in full sun or part sun. Good screen. Prune to promote bushy habit.
Bracelet Honey Myrtle tall spreading shrub or small tree, has narrow dark green leaves. White small bottlebrush flowers. Quick growing. Useful for wind breaks. Good for honey bees. Planting info: Any soil. Tolerates dryness. Coastal exposure, lime, salt soil and smog. Usually frost resistant. 4-9m tall by 3-4m wide.