Worn Gundidj
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  • Cinnamon myrtle powder is perfect for adding a warm, earthy flavour to baking or a delicious twist to hot or cold infusions such as tea and sangria. Available at Worn Gundidj Bush Foods.Cinnamon myrtle is perfect for adding a warm, earthy flavour to baking or a delicious twist to hot or cold infusions such as tea and sangria.

    Cinnamon Mrytle, from the Myrtaceae family, has a subtle cinnamon-nutmeg flavour. The spice works well in both sweet and savoury dishes. With a slightly more intense flavour and gentle aroma, it makes a great Bush Food alternative to Cinnamon. Perfect for… adding a warm, earthy flavour to baking or a…

  • Coprosma quadrifida (Prickly Currant Bush) is a shrub with edible fruit. It typically grows up to 2.4m x 2-5m. Available at Worn Gundidj.Coprosma quadrifida (Prickly Currant Bush) is a shrub with edible fruit. It typically grows up to 2.4m x 2-5m. It prefers coastal, sunny positions. Available at Worn Gundidj.

    Prickly Currant Bush is a shrub with edible fruit from January – March. It typically grows up to 2.4m x 2-5m. Planting info: Improve drainage in heavy clay soils by adding coarse compost and sand. The ideal time to plant is at the end of winter.

  • Corymbia citriodora The ornamental (Lemon Scented Gum) is a tall slender tree to 25m high. Open crown. Striking smooth powdery white bark and strongly-scented narrow leaves. Available at Worn Gundidj Nursery.Corymbia citriodora The ornamental (Lemon Scented Gum) scented gum powder and flakes are perfect for teas and infusions, sauces and marinades, baking.

    Lemon Scented Gum is a tall slender tree to 25m high. Open crown. Striking smooth powdery white bark and lemon scented narrow leaves. Planting info: Well drained soil, tolerating dryness. Suitable for amenity plantings, shelterbelts and timber production. Leaves are a source of commercially-extracted citronella oil.

  • Worn Gundidj at Tower Hill offer half-day and full-day Cultural Awareness training programs for corporates and groups. Book now.
    Worn Gundidj at Tower Hill offer a 2-hour Cultural Awareness…
  • Desert lime powder is perfect for chocolates and desserts (including ice cream), dressings and marinades or a great addition to curries. Available at Worn Gundidj Bush Foods.Desert limes are perfect for chocolates and desserts (including ice cream), dressings and marinades or a great addition to curries.

    The Desert Lime is a native citrus, pale green in colour. With an intense grapefruit lime acidity. It has long been collected and used by Aboriginal people. This small lime has a distinctive flavour and refreshing taste, pleasantly sharp yet slightly sweet. The fruit can be used fresh, frozen or…

  • Dichondra repens (Kidney Weed) is a native groundcover with dense spreading foliage of kidney shaped leaves. Green flowers in spring - summer. Available at Worn Gundidj.Dichondra repens (Kidney Weed) is a native groundcover with dense spreading foliage of kidney shaped leaves. Green flowers in spring - summer. Available at Worn Gundidj.

    Kidney Weed is a native groundcover with dense spreading foliage of kidney shaped leaves. tiny green flowers in spring to early summer. Planting info: Useful as a groundcover, lawn substitute, between pavers and for shady spots in the garden. Well-drained soil in full or partial shade.

  • Disphyma crassifolium (Noonflower) is a succulent with bright white flowers in spring or summer. Edible leaves susceptible to snail/slug attack. Available at Worn Gundidj.Disphyma crassifolium (Noonflower) is a succulent with bright pink/mauve flowers in spring or summer. Edible leaves susceptible to snail/slug attack. Available at Worn Gundidj.

    Noonflower is a prostrate succulent plant covered with bright pink or white flowers spring or summer. Edible leaves. Planting info: Useful for dry banks and coastal areas. Full sun.

  • Eucalyptus baxteri (Brown Stringybark) is an evergreen medium to tall tree. Flowering late summer - white flowers. Brown fibrous bark. Available at Worn Gundidj.Eucalyptus baxteri (Brown Stringybark) is an evergreen medium to tall tree. Flowering late summer - white flowers. Brown fibrous bark. Available at Worn Gundidj.

    Brown Stringybark Evergreen medium to tall tree. Late summer. White flowers. Brown fibrous bark. Street Tree. Planting info: Moist well-drained soil. Tolerates dryness, coastal exposure (when it can mallee) and frost.

  • Eucalyptus camaldulensis (River Red Gum) is an evergreen tall tree 15 -30 meters in height. Ideal as a wind break. Frost tender when young. Branch dropper. Available at Worn Gundidj.Eucalyptus camaldulensis (River Red Gum) is an evergreen tall tree 15 -30 meters in height. Ideal as a wind break. Frost tender when young. Branch dropper. Available at Worn Gundidj.

    River Red Gum is an evergreen tall tree 15 -30 meters in height. Ideal as a wind break. Frost tender when young. Planting info: Will cope with majority of soil conditions. Does very well on river or creek beds or areas with moisture in soil. Can handle drying out in…

  • Eucalyptus cladocalyx (Sugar Gum) is a large tree to 30m tall x 15m wide with a spreading crown. Cream flowers in spring. Good shelter and shade tree. Available at Worn Gundidj.Eucalyptus cladocalyx (Sugar Gum) is a large tree to 30m tall x 15m wide with a spreading crown. Cream flowers in spring. Good shelter and shade tree. Available at Worn Gundidj.

    Eucalyptus cladocalyx (Sugar Gum) is a large tree to 30m tall x 15m wide, with a spreading crown. Cream flowers in spring. Good shelter, shade and firewood tree. Fast growing. Planting info: well-drained soil. Drought tolerant. Bird attracting.

  • Eucalyptus diversilfolia (SA Coastal Mallee) is an evergreen mallee or small to medium tree. Free flowering, white in spring. Good bee plant. Available at Worn Gundidj.Eucalyptus diversilfolia (SA Coastal Mallee) is an evergreen mallee or small to medium tree. Free flowering, white in spring. Good bee plant. Available at Worn Gundidj.

    SA Coastal Mallee is an evergreen mallee or small to medium tree. Free flowering, white in spring. Good bee plant. Planting info: Useful for limestone areas. Well-drained soil. Tolerates drought and coastal exposure. Usually frost resistant.

  • Eucalyptus kitsoniana (Bog Gum) tree, 5-8m high. Smooth bark, yellow, white or grey, often shedding in ribbons. Yellow flowers over summer. Available at Worn Gundidj.Eucalyptus kitsoniana (Bog Gum) tree, 5-8m high. Smooth bark, yellow, white or grey, often shedding in ribbons. Yellow flowers over summer. Available at Worn Gundidj.

    Bog Gum tree, 5-8m high. Smooth bark, yellow, white or grey, often shedding in ribbons. Yellow flowers over summer. Screen and shelter belts. Planting info: Suitable for wet soil. Boggy, marsh conditions. Fast growing, coastal conditions an inland tree.

  • Eucalyptus maculata (Spotted Gum) is an evergreen tall tree, ornamental. Dappled light coloured bark. White flowers in winter and spring. Available at Worn Gundidj.Eucalyptus maculata (Spotted Gum) is an evergreen tall tree, ornamental. Dappled light coloured bark. White flowers in winter and spring. Available at Worn Gundidj.

    Spotted Gum is an evergreen tall tree, ornamental. Dappled light coloured bark. White flowers in winter and spring. Planting info: Most soils. Tolerates lime, salt soil and smog. Frost tender when young. Fire retarder.

  • Eucalyptus viminalis (Manna Gum) is a fast growing medium to tall upright tree, 10-50m high x 8-15m wide. Available at Worn Gundidj Nursery.Eucalyptus viminalis (Manna Gum) is a fast growing medium to tall upright tree, 10-50m high x 8-15m wide. Available at Worn Gundidj Nursery.

    Manna Gum fast growing medium to tall upright tree, 10-50m high x 8-15m wide. Manna Gum gets long ribbons of shed bark during summer. Open crown. Planting info: Moist well-drained soil but very adaptable to range of conditions. Ornamental. Good shade and shelterbelt tree. Honey tree. Food tree for koalas.

  • Ficinia nodosa (Knobby club-rush) is a dense tufted native rush with stiff stems. Rounded brown flower knobs in summer. Height 60cm x width 1m. Available at Worn Gundidj.Ficinia nodosa (Knobby club-rush) is a dense tufted native rush with stiff stems. Rounded brown flower knobs in summer. Height 60cm x width 1m. Available at Worn Gundidj.

    Knobby club-rush is a dense tufted native rush with stiff stems. Rounded brown flower knobs in summer. Height 60cm x width 1m. Planting info: Suit damp or moist sandy soil. Extremely hardy. Coastal and 2nd line planting. Drought tolerant, frost, saline soils and salt spray.

  • Finger limes are perfect for salads and sauces, desserts and chocolate, seafood or paired with Asian dishes. Available at Worn Gundidj Bush Foods.Finger limes are perfect for salads and sauces, desserts and chocolate, seafood or paired with Asian dishes.

    Finger Limes come in a multitude of colours ranging from chartreuse-emerald to pink-red. The caviar-like pulp has an intense acidic lime flavour with bitter notes. This zesty little lime is popular, especially as a garnish with its unique bead-like pulp. To take advantage of the refreshing citrus lime flavour, use…