B2B Store

  • Gumbi Gumbi is pale green with a slightly bitter taste. Use the leaves on their own or add to tea infusions to create blends. Available at Worn Gundidj Bush Foods.Gumbi Gumbi is pale green with a slightly bitter taste. Use the leaves on their own or add to tea infusions to create blends. Available at Worn Gundidj Bush Foods.

    Gumbi Gumbi, an important Aboriginal plant, was used for herbal teas and bush medicine. Pale green with a slightly bitter taste, traditional uses are thought to include easing the symptoms of coughs and colds. Use the leaves on their own or add them to tea infusions to create different blends.…

  • Indigofera australis (Austral Indigo) available at Worn Gundidj nursery

    Austral Indigo is an attractive open, spreading to erect shrub, 1-2m high x 1-2m wide. Graceful arching branches and fern-like leaves. Sprays of mauve, occasionally pink or white pea flowers in spring. Attracts bees, birds and butterflies. Planting info: Most well-drained soils in sun or semi shade. Prune to encourage…

  • Juncus kraussii (Shore Rush) is a perennial herb to 1.2m, forming a large clumps, stems arising from creeping rhizome. Occurs in saline habitats. Inflorescence bronze flowers November-December. Available at Worn Gundiudj.Juncus kraussii (Shore Rush) is a perennial herb to 1.2m, forming a large clumps, stems arising from creeping rhizome. Occurs in saline habitats. Inflorescence bronze flowers November-December. Available at Worn Gundiudj.

    Shore Rush is a perennial herb to 1.2m, forming a large clumps, stems arising from creeping rhizome. Occurs in saline habitats. Inflorescence bronze flowers November-December. Planting info:

  • Juncus procerus (Tall Rush), a tufted, rhizomatous perennial rush, 1-2m high x 60cm-1.5m wide. Available at Worn Gundidj.Juncus procerus (Tall Rush), a tufted, rhizomatous perennial rush, 1-2m high x 60cm-1.5m wide. Available at Worn Gundidj.

    Tall Rush, a tufted, rhizomatous perennial rush, 1-2m high x 60cm-1.5m wide. Planting info: Damp, well-drained soil in part sun in sheltered situations. Useful for erosion control. Ideal plant for rockery, bush garden or by the pond.

  • Kakadu Plum, sometimes called the bush plum, is a great addition in baking or as an alternative fruit for chutneys. Available at Worn Gundidj Bush Foods.

    Kakadu Plum, sometimes called the bush plum, is full of antioxidants and vitamins. A small gooseberry like green plum with a slightly tart taste and a cooked citrus aroma. A great addition to all sorts of baking or as an alternative to other fruits used in chutneys. Perfect for… gourmet…

  • Lemon myrtle powder is perfect for syrups and glazes, infusions and marinades, baking and ice creams. Available at Worn Gundidj Bush Foods.Lemon myrtle is perfect for syrups and glazes, infusions and marinades, baking and ice creams.


  • Zygophyllum billardieri (Coastal Twin-leaf) perennial with succulent oblong green leaves and yellow flowers. Available at Worn Gundidj.Leptospermum laevigatum (Coastal Tea Tree) Tall shrub or small tree to 8m. Dull green small leaves, white flowers in spring. Available at Worn Gundidj.

    Coastal Tea Tree Tall shrub or small tree to 8m. Dull green small leaves,, white flowers in spring. Planting info: Well-drained soil tolerating dryness when established. Coastal.

  • Leptospermum langerum (Wooley Tea Tree shrub) to erect small tree, 2-6m high x 1-3m wide. Prolific small white flowers in spring-summer. Available at Worn Gundidj.Leptospermum langerum (Wooley Tea Tree shrub) to erect small tree, 2-6m high x 1-3m wide. Prolific small white flowers in spring-summer. Available at Worn Gundidj.

    Wooley Tea Tree shrub to erect small tree, 2-6m high x 1-3m wide. Prolific small white flowers in spring-summer. Attractive new foliage. Ornamental. Planting info: Moist soil in full sun or part sun. Good screen. Prune to promote bushy habit.

  • Melaleuca armillaris (Bracelet Honey Myrtle) Evergreen tall spreading shrub or small tree, has narrow dark green leaves. White small bottlebrush flowers. Quick growing. Useful for wind breaks. Good for honey bees. Available at Worn Gundidj.Melaleuca armillaris (Bracelet Honey Myrtle) Evergreen tall spreading shrub or small tree, has narrow dark green leaves. White small bottlebrush flowers. Quick growing. Useful for wind breaks. Good for honey bees. Available at Worn Gundidj.

    Bracelet Honey Myrtle tall spreading shrub or small tree, has narrow dark green leaves. White small bottlebrush flowers. Quick growing. Useful for wind breaks. Good for honey bees. Planting info: Any soil. Tolerates dryness. Coastal exposure, lime, salt soil and smog. Usually frost resistant. 4-9m tall by 3-4m wide.

  • Melaleuca halmaturorum (Kangaroo Island Paper bark) is an evergreen large shrub to small tree, small dark green leaves, small white flowers in spring. Available at Worn Gundidj.Melaleuca halmaturorum (Kangaroo Island Paper bark) is an evergreen large shrub to small tree, small dark green leaves, small white flowers in spring. Available at Worn Gundidj.

    Kangaroo Island Paper bark is an evergreen large shrub to small tree, small dark green leaves, profuse small white flowers in spring. Planting info: Useful for saline areas. Any soil, tolerating wetness, dryness, lime and smog. Frost resistant.  

  • Melaleuca nesophila (Showy Honey Myrtle) is an evergreen tall shrub with papery bark. Oval leaves and mauve-pink flowers spring and summer. Available at Worn Gundidj.Melaleuca nesophila (Showy Honey Myrtle) is an evergreen tall shrub with papery bark. Oval leaves and mauve-pink flowers spring and summer. Available at Worn Gundidj.

    Melaleuca nesophila Showy Honey Myrtle is an evergreen tall shrub with papery bark. Oval grey-green leaves and mauve-pink flowers in spring and summer. Planting info: Most soils, tolerating dryness, lime, salt soil and smog. Frost tender.

  • Melaleuca squarossa (Scented Paperbark) is a fast growing large shrub, 2-5m high x 1-2m wide. Yellow flowers in spring-summer. Available at Worn Gundidj.

    Scented Paperbark is a fast growing erect open to compact large shrub, 2-5m high x 1-2m wide. Attractive scented yellow brush flowers in spring-summer. Planting info: Moist to wet soil in sunny or partly- shaded situation. Good screen.

  • Meleleuca decussata (Cross-leaved Honey Myrtle) medium to tall shrub. Small narrow leaves, short mauve-pink bottlebrush flowers in spring and early summer. Available at Worn Gundidj.Meleleuca decussata (Cross-leaved Honey Myrtle) medium to tall shrub. Small narrow leaves, short mauve-pink bottlebrush flowers in spring and early summer. Available at Worn Gundidj.

    Cross-leaved Honey Myrtle medium to tall shrub. Small narrow leaves, short mauve-pink bottlebrush flowers in spring and early summer. Planting info: Any position. Tolerating lime, salt soil, smog, and frost. Attracts birds, bees and butterflies.

  • Weeping Grass, also known as Weeping Rice Grass and Meadow Grass, is a native grain produced from the grass seed.

    Weeping Grass is a perennial native grass suitable as a lawn substitute when mown or grazed regularly. Do not mow below 10cm. Planting info: Best in moist, well- drained soil in full sun or part shade.

  • Orthosanthus multiflorus (Morning Iris) is a tufted plant with many purple flowers over a long period. Available at Worn Gundidj.Orthosanthus multiflorus (Morning Iris) is a tufted plant with many purple flowers over a long period. Available at Worn Gundidj.

    Morning Iris is a tufted plant with many purple flowers over a long period. Planting info: Prefers semi shade, but will tolerate full sun. Mulch to keep the soil moist and to deter weed growth. Coastal and inland.

  • Ozothamnus ferrugineus (Tree Everlasting) is an open rounded shrub 2-6m high x 1-3m wide. White flower clusters over summer. Available at Worn Gundidj.Ozothamnus ferrugineus (Tree Everlasting) is an open rounded shrub 2-6m high x 1-3m wide. White flower clusters over summer. Available at Worn Gundidj.

    Tree everlasting is an open rounded shrub or small tree, 2-6m high x 1-3m wide. Broad white flowers in clusters over summer. Planting info: Moist well-drained soil in full or part shade. Good screen. Attracts birds and butterflies.