Gumbi Gumbi, an important Aboriginal plant, was used for herbal teas and bush medicine. Pale green with a slightly bitter taste, traditional uses are thought to include easing the symptoms of coughs and colds. Use the leaves on their own or add them to tea infusions to create different blends.…
Kakadu Plum, sometimes called the bush plum, is full of antioxidants and vitamins. A small gooseberry like green plum with a slightly tart taste and a cooked citrus aroma. A great addition to all sorts of baking or as an alternative to other fruits used in chutneys. Perfect for… gourmet…
Sweet Bursaria grows up to 5-10m and 2-m wide. Prickly plant, fragrant flower, edible fruit. Attracts birds, insects and butterflies. Planting info: Performs best in well drained soil and will thrive in conditions from full sun to partial shade.