Blackwood is a large fast growing wattle. Great for revegetation and wildlife corridors. good wind resistance when young but branches can become brittle with age. Edible seed once ground. Amazing flower show late winter spring. Planting info: All soils except water logged. Shelterbelts and windbreaks. great in mixed planting. Fixes…
Chocolate Lily Tufted foliage to 30cm x 30cm with tall stems of chocolate scented mauve flowers in spring to summer. Chocolate Lily dies down late summer to edible tubers. Planting info: Likes full sun to part shade and moist to well drained soils. Drier in summer.
Sweet Bursaria grows up to 5-10m and 2-m wide. Prickly plant, fragrant flower, edible fruit. Attracts birds, insects and butterflies. Planting info: Performs best in well drained soil and will thrive in conditions from full sun to partial shade.
Bower Spinach is a trailing succulent coastal ground cover to 2m wide. Thick succulent edible leaves with a similar flavour and texture to spinach. Small yellow daisy-like flowers are followed by edible red berries. Planting info: Prefers light sandy soil in an open sunny/ part shade position. Frost tender. Coastal…