Geraldton Wax is a herb that adds a fabulous tangy lemon/lime flavour. The leaves have a wonderful lemony aroma. Developed for culinary purposes, it is a uniquely Australian flavour. Use for any dish needing a lemony citrus finish or a great bush food replacement for kaffir lime. Perfect for… seafood…
Drooping Sheoak is a small erect tree, 4-11 m high x 3-6m wide. Dense rounded crown and dropping soft needle-like foliage. Planting info: Well-drained soil in full sun. Good screen and stock shelter-belt tree. Seed capsules attract seed eating birds.
Kangaroo Island Paper bark is an evergreen large shrub to small tree, small dark green leaves, profuse small white flowers in spring. Planting info: Useful for saline areas. Any soil, tolerating wetness, dryness, lime and smog. Frost resistant.
River Red Gum is an evergreen tall tree 15 -30 meters in height. Ideal as a wind break. Frost tender when young. Planting info: Will cope with majority of soil conditions. Does very well on river or creek beds or areas with moisture in soil. Can handle drying out in…