River Red Gum is an evergreen tall tree 15 -30 meters in height. Ideal as a wind break. Frost tender when young. Planting info: Will cope with majority of soil conditions. Does very well on river or creek beds or areas with moisture in soil. Can handle drying out in…
Anise Myrtle, from the Myrtaceae family, has a strong sweet aniseed-liquorice flavour suitable for both sweet and savoury. Use the ground powder or flakes as a great bush food replacement for aniseed, star anise or fennel. The oil can be added to dips, salad dressing and sauces. Perfect for… curries…
Manna Gum fast growing medium to tall upright tree, 10-50m high x 8-15m wide. Manna Gum gets long ribbons of shed bark during summer. Open crown. Planting info: Moist well-drained soil but very adaptable to range of conditions. Ornamental. Good shade and shelterbelt tree. Honey tree. Food tree for koalas.