Manna Gum fast growing medium to tall upright tree, 10-50m high x 8-15m wide. Manna Gum gets long ribbons of shed bark during summer. Open crown. Planting info: Moist well-drained soil but very adaptable to range of conditions. Ornamental. Good shade and shelterbelt tree. Honey tree. Food tree for koalas.
Lemon Scented Gum is a tall slender tree to 25m high. Open crown. Striking smooth powdery white bark and lemon scented narrow leaves. Planting info: Well drained soil, tolerating dryness. Suitable for amenity plantings, shelterbelts and timber production. Leaves are a source of commercially-extracted citronella oil.
Kakadu Plum, sometimes called the bush plum, is full of antioxidants and vitamins. A small gooseberry like green plum with a slightly tart taste and a cooked citrus aroma. A great addition to all sorts of baking or as an alternative to other fruits used in chutneys. Perfect for… gourmet…
The Desert Lime is a native citrus, pale green in colour. With an intense grapefruit lime acidity. It has long been collected and used by Aboriginal people. This small lime has a distinctive flavour and refreshing taste, pleasantly sharp yet slightly sweet. The fruit can be used fresh, frozen or…