Kakadu Plum, sometimes called the bush plum, is full of antioxidants and vitamins. A small gooseberry like green plum with a slightly tart taste and a cooked citrus aroma. A great addition to all sorts of baking or as an alternative to other fruits used in chutneys. Perfect for… gourmet…
Brown Stringybark Evergreen medium to tall tree. Late summer. White flowers. Brown fibrous bark. Street Tree. Planting info: Moist well-drained soil. Tolerates dryness, coastal exposure (when it can mallee) and frost.
Drooping Sheoak is a small erect tree, 4-11 m high x 3-6m wide. Dense rounded crown and dropping soft needle-like foliage. Planting info: Well-drained soil in full sun. Good screen and stock shelter-belt tree. Seed capsules attract seed eating birds.
Bog Gum tree, 5-8m high. Smooth bark, yellow, white or grey, often shedding in ribbons. Yellow flowers over summer. Screen and shelter belts. Planting info: Suitable for wet soil. Boggy, marsh conditions. Fast growing, coastal conditions an inland tree.