Variable Swallow Wattle is a medium height spreading or erect shrub, 2-6m high x 2-5m wide. Cream to pale yellow flower spikes in spring. Attracts birds. Planting info: Moist, well-drained soil in full or part sun. Drought resistant once established. Good screen plant.
The Blood Lime fruit has a unique blood orange-lime-citrus flavour. An attractive fruit with a hint of bitterness, it has less aroma than a lime. It works well as a garnish for both sweet and savoury dishes. The ground powder has an intense flavour, so a little goes a long…
Spotted Gum is an evergreen tall tree, ornamental. Dappled light coloured bark. White flowers in winter and spring. Planting info: Most soils. Tolerates lime, salt soil and smog. Frost tender when young. Fire retarder.
Lemon Scented Gum is a tall slender tree to 25m high. Open crown. Striking smooth powdery white bark and lemon scented narrow leaves. Planting info: Well drained soil, tolerating dryness. Suitable for amenity plantings, shelterbelts and timber production. Leaves are a source of commercially-extracted citronella oil.