Drooping Sheoak is a small erect tree, 4-11 m high x 3-6m wide. Dense rounded crown and dropping soft needle-like foliage. Planting info: Well-drained soil in full sun. Good screen and stock shelter-belt tree. Seed capsules attract seed eating birds.
Geraldton Wax is a herb that adds a fabulous tangy lemon/lime flavour. The leaves have a wonderful lemony aroma. Developed for culinary purposes, it is a uniquely Australian flavour. Use for any dish needing a lemony citrus finish or a great bush food replacement for kaffir lime. Perfect for… seafood…
Finger Limes come in a multitude of colours ranging from chartreuse-emerald to pink-red. The caviar-like pulp has an intense acidic lime flavour with bitter notes. This zesty little lime is popular, especially as a garnish with its unique bead-like pulp. To take advantage of the refreshing citrus lime flavour, use…
Gumbi Gumbi, an important Aboriginal plant, was used for herbal teas and bush medicine. Pale green with a slightly bitter taste, traditional uses are thought to include easing the symptoms of coughs and colds. Use the leaves on their own or add them to tea infusions to create different blends.…