Eucalyptus cladocalyx (Sugar Gum) is a large tree to 30m tall x 15m wide, with a spreading crown. Cream flowers in spring. Good shelter, shade and firewood tree. Fast growing. Planting info: well-drained soil. Drought tolerant. Bird attracting.
Prickly Currant Bush is a shrub with edible fruit from January – March. It typically grows up to 2.4m x 2-5m. Planting info: Improve drainage in heavy clay soils by adding coarse compost and sand. The ideal time to plant is at the end of winter.
Gumbi Gumbi, an important Aboriginal plant, was used for herbal teas and bush medicine. Pale green with a slightly bitter taste, traditional uses are thought to include easing the symptoms of coughs and colds. Use the leaves on their own or add them to tea infusions to create different blends.…
Spotted Gum is an evergreen tall tree, ornamental. Dappled light coloured bark. White flowers in winter and spring. Planting info: Most soils. Tolerates lime, salt soil and smog. Frost tender when young. Fire retarder.