Variable Swallow Wattle is a medium height spreading or erect shrub, 2-6m high x 2-5m wide. Cream to pale yellow flower spikes in spring. Attracts birds. Planting info: Moist, well-drained soil in full or part sun. Drought resistant once established. Good screen plant.
Bog Gum tree, 5-8m high. Smooth bark, yellow, white or grey, often shedding in ribbons. Yellow flowers over summer. Screen and shelter belts. Planting info: Suitable for wet soil. Boggy, marsh conditions. Fast growing, coastal conditions an inland tree.
Finger Limes come in a multitude of colours ranging from chartreuse-emerald to pink-red. The caviar-like pulp has an intense acidic lime flavour with bitter notes. This zesty little lime is popular, especially as a garnish with its unique bead-like pulp. To take advantage of the refreshing citrus lime flavour, use…
Prickly Currant Bush is a shrub with edible fruit from January – March. It typically grows up to 2.4m x 2-5m. Planting info: Improve drainage in heavy clay soils by adding coarse compost and sand. The ideal time to plant is at the end of winter.