Tall Sedge is a robust dense sedge, 50cm – 1.2m high x 50cm – 1m wide. Planting info: Most soils, tolerating periods of inundation. Useful for stabilising eroded stream banks and landslips. Full sun.
Bidgee Widgee is an ambling ground cover forming a dense layer of small fern-like foliage to 10cm high x around 1m spread. Globular greenish white flowers on slender stalks in spring are followed by burr-like seed heads. Planting info: Adaptable, tolerating wet or dry conditions in full sun or shade.…
Wooley Tea Tree shrub to erect small tree, 2-6m high x 1-3m wide. Prolific small white flowers in spring-summer. Attractive new foliage. Ornamental. Planting info: Moist soil in full sun or part sun. Good screen. Prune to promote bushy habit.
Bracelet Honey Myrtle tall spreading shrub or small tree, has narrow dark green leaves. White small bottlebrush flowers. Quick growing. Useful for wind breaks. Good for honey bees. Planting info: Any soil. Tolerates dryness. Coastal exposure, lime, salt soil and smog. Usually frost resistant. 4-9m tall by 3-4m wide.