Knobby club-rush is a dense tufted native rush with stiff stems. Rounded brown flower knobs in summer. Height 60cm x width 1m. Planting info: Suit damp or moist sandy soil. Extremely hardy. Coastal and 2nd line planting. Drought tolerant, frost, saline soils and salt spray.
Shore Rush is a perennial herb to 1.2m, forming a large clumps, stems arising from creeping rhizome. Occurs in saline habitats. Inflorescence bronze flowers November-December. Planting info:
Tussock Grass is an ornamental perennial tufting grass to 80cm. Pale-green grass foliage topped with feathery green-beige flowers in summer. Planting info: Most soils in full sun, tolerant of dry, shaded or temporarily wet conditions. Ideal for damper situations and around a water feature. Attracts birds and butterflies.
Weeping Grass is a perennial native grass suitable as a lawn substitute when mown or grazed regularly. Do not mow below 10cm. Planting info: Best in moist, well- drained soil in full sun or part shade.