Bracelet Honey Myrtle tall spreading shrub or small tree, has narrow dark green leaves. White small bottlebrush flowers. Quick growing. Useful for wind breaks. Good for honey bees. Planting info: Any soil. Tolerates dryness. Coastal exposure, lime, salt soil and smog. Usually frost resistant. 4-9m tall by 3-4m wide.
Knobby club-rush is a dense tufted native rush with stiff stems. Rounded brown flower knobs in summer. Height 60cm x width 1m. Planting info: Suit damp or moist sandy soil. Extremely hardy. Coastal and 2nd line planting. Drought tolerant, frost, saline soils and salt spray.
Shore Rush is a perennial herb to 1.2m, forming a large clumps, stems arising from creeping rhizome. Occurs in saline habitats. Inflorescence bronze flowers November-December. Planting info:
Coastal Tea Tree Tall shrub or small tree to 8m. Dull green small leaves,, white flowers in spring. Planting info: Well-drained soil tolerating dryness when established. Coastal.