Hop Wattle is a fast growing open upright shrub of medium height 2-5m high x 2.4m wide. Pale yellow ball of flowers winter – spring. Planting info: Good shelterbelt plant. Most soils in sun or shade. Drought hardy. Can be planted beneath existing trees.
Native Violet is a herbaceous ground cover, spreading by layering stems. Bright green kidney-shaped leaves. Purple and white flowers appear singly on stems about 150mm high, throughout the warmer parts of the year. Single plants can spread to cover very large areas, particularly in moist positions. Planting info: Prefers moist…
Melaleuca nesophila Showy Honey Myrtle is an evergreen tall shrub with papery bark. Oval grey-green leaves and mauve-pink flowers in spring and summer. Planting info: Most soils, tolerating dryness, lime, salt soil and smog. Frost tender.
Sea Celery grows between 30cm and 50cm spreading out up to 50cm in diameter. Loves sun and in partial shade. Planting info: Well drained, moist soil. Good in pots.