Hop Wattle is a fast growing open upright shrub of medium height 2-5m high x 2.4m wide. Pale yellow ball of flowers winter – spring. Planting info: Good shelterbelt plant. Most soils in sun or shade. Drought hardy. Can be planted beneath existing trees.
Tall Sedge is a robust dense sedge, 50cm – 1.2m high x 50cm – 1m wide. Planting info: Most soils, tolerating periods of inundation. Useful for stabilising eroded stream banks and landslips. Full sun.
Melaleuca nesophila Showy Honey Myrtle is an evergreen tall shrub with papery bark. Oval grey-green leaves and mauve-pink flowers in spring and summer. Planting info: Most soils, tolerating dryness, lime, salt soil and smog. Frost tender.
Kidney Weed is a native groundcover with dense spreading foliage of kidney shaped leaves. tiny green flowers in spring to early summer. Planting info: Useful as a groundcover, lawn substitute, between pavers and for shady spots in the garden. Well-drained soil in full or partial shade.