Sea Parsley is a peppery tasting plant that grows up to about 25-30cm high spreading out to 1m wide. Sea Parsley can handle hot conditions right through to cold weather. Planting info: Pick a spot in full sun to part shade with well-drained soil.
Tall Sedge is a robust dense sedge, 50cm – 1.2m high x 50cm – 1m wide. Planting info: Most soils, tolerating periods of inundation. Useful for stabilising eroded stream banks and landslips. Full sun.
Sea Celery grows between 30cm and 50cm spreading out up to 50cm in diameter. Loves sun and in partial shade. Planting info: Well drained, moist soil. Good in pots.
Cootamundra Wattle is an attractive fast growing small tree 5-8m high x 5-8m wide. Silvery grey foliage with profuse golden yellow flower balls in winter are followed by clusters of large seed pods. Attracts birds. Planting info: Full sun in moist well-drained soil. Drought tolerant. Ideal shade and shelter tree.