Kakadu Plum, sometimes called the bush plum, is full of antioxidants and vitamins. A small gooseberry like green plum with a slightly tart taste and a cooked citrus aroma. A great addition to all sorts of baking or as an alternative to other fruits used in chutneys. Perfect for… gourmet…
Noonflower is a prostrate succulent plant covered with bright pink or white flowers spring or summer. Edible leaves. Planting info: Useful for dry banks and coastal areas. Full sun.
Bower Spinach is a trailing succulent coastal ground cover to 2m wide. Thick succulent edible leaves with a similar flavour and texture to spinach. Small yellow daisy-like flowers are followed by edible red berries. Planting info: Prefers light sandy soil in an open sunny/ part shade position. Frost tender. Coastal…
The Blood Lime fruit has a unique blood orange-lime-citrus flavour. An attractive fruit with a hint of bitterness, it has less aroma than a lime. It works well as a garnish for both sweet and savoury dishes. The ground powder has an intense flavour, so a little goes a long…