Native Violet is a herbaceous ground cover, spreading by layering stems. Bright green kidney-shaped leaves. Purple and white flowers appear singly on stems about 150mm high, throughout the warmer parts of the year. Single plants can spread to cover very large areas, particularly in moist positions. Planting info: Prefers moist…
Native Thyme is a compact native shrub to 1.5m high. Toothed leaves have a strong aroma when crushed. Mauve flowers in spring. Edible and Medicinal. Planting info: Full sun to part shade in most soils in a sheltered position. Lightly prune after flowering to maintain compact habit.
Manna Gum fast growing medium to tall upright tree, 10-50m high x 8-15m wide. Manna Gum gets long ribbons of shed bark during summer. Open crown. Planting info: Moist well-drained soil but very adaptable to range of conditions. Ornamental. Good shade and shelterbelt tree. Honey tree. Food tree for koalas.
Finger Limes come in a multitude of colours ranging from chartreuse-emerald to pink-red. The caviar-like pulp has an intense acidic lime flavour with bitter notes. This zesty little lime is popular, especially as a garnish with its unique bead-like pulp. To take advantage of the refreshing citrus lime flavour, use…